In this message, Pastor Steve Bill looks at why Jesus asks us in Matthew 6 to do good works in secret, and how we can live that out in our lives today. This message continues our ongoing series on Spiritual Disciplines.

Steve references the activity "Coldest Night of the Year" a few times during this message, including a slideshow video of photos from this year's activity. You can find out more about this Canada-wide event here, and more about Grace Place here. If you're reading this before March 31, 2024, you can still donate to this year's Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser. Of course, you can always donate to Grace Place.

At the end of the sermon, you'll hear a song from our worship team. It doesn't sound as amazing as it did in the room, but I thought enough of the beauty came through on the recording that I would include it.

This sermon was originally given on February 25, 2024.