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Edgar Navarro is a farm worker with lots of experience working on dairy operations. He started helping his mother and stepfather with their small farm as a teenager, and has spent most of the last decade as an employee at dairy farms in the Dodgville area. In 2015, he found his way to Scott Mericka at Green Dairy and Uplands Cheese, the first dairy grazing farm he’d ever seen. And, he’s been there ever since! In our conversation, Edgar shares about his experience of working at Scott’s dairy grazing farm and how it measures up against the conventional operations where he got his start. His testimony is a powerful reminder that our farming systems effect people at all levels of the operation.

If you’re interested in Edgar and his story, we’re happy to try to put you in touch—just give us a shout at [email protected].

The Interpreters Cooperative of Madison helped with translation of Edgar's original interview. And, you're hearing the voice of Giosue Alagna, who read Edgar's words.

This episode's soundtrack is Donder by Blue Dot Sessions.

Stories on Pasture is based on oral history interviews conducted as a part of the Grassland 2.0 project. Edgar was interviewed via phone call in October of 2020.

This podcast is made possible thanks to a Sustainable Agricultural Systems Coordinated Agriculture grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.