Abhi Aiyer is not only this podcast’s co-host, but also the Principal Software Engineer / Tech Lead at Gatsby. He has many years of experience in the architecture, design, and development of software and tools for startup companies, and has worked on high profile digital websites for popular US Athletes. Nowadays Abhi is changing how engineers build on the web at Gatsby.

Hear Abhi's perspective on:

Getting Into CodingHustling Without ExperienceFinding A MentorGetting OpportunitiesImpostor SyndromeHaving No CS DegreeGrit And EffortJumping Into EngineeringInitial MilestonesHiring Culture FitsSenior Role ModelsAiming To Be UsefulLearning From PatternsHaving A ChipGood ManagersBehaviour ImprovementsTerrible Soft SkillsFilling Senior RolesMentorship Along The WayGetting ChancesTeam WorkSoft SkillsCode VelocityEarly GraphQL EraMeteor.js DaysApolloSpectrumBefore Schema StitchingFederation ExperimentsApollo Federation DominanceGatsby's Data LayerGatsby InfluencesGatsbyverseGatsby’s Future PlansGatsby SSRReducing JAM-taxBeyond ReactBig Static WebsitesGatsby DSGUnexpected ChallengesGatsby’s VersatilityDesigning Interactions CarefullyFootgun BalanceUpcoming Gatsby ImprovementsGraphQL & GatsbyPlugin GovernanceOpinionated GatsbyverseDXOptimizing For SilenceCommunity Strengths And Weaknessesand much more…


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