Down & Out on M'arzz and Atlantis to cover Young Justice Season 4, episodes 1-13 which aired on HBO.

"A PowerPoint being given in pocket dimension" - Hub

"That was the moment I added [Onyx] to my Mood Board." - Dr. Khaliden Nas


Dr. Khaliden Nas is a writer & researcher with a PhD in Media and Culture Studies from the University of Sussex. His work explores the realities of queer subjectivity, self-conception, otherness and the intersections of culture and identity. and

Nathaniel Hubbard, or Hub, is a podcaster and writer. He is the co-host and producer of Titan Up the Defense  a podcast where he and his brother cover Teen Titans and Defenders comics in chronological order (which is absolutely one of my comfort listens and fucking hilarious). and What the Duck?! A Podcast Most Fowl (But with a "W" Cause He's a Duck) That's the Full Name of the Show, and a writer for Garden Plots With Skeletor, where he also plays Mer-Man. Listen to Titan Up the Defense podcast or bug Hub  at

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