"Zemo is the only character with an ideology" - Brandon Wilson

"A real Captain America looks to the rest of the world like The Joker" - Spencer Ackerman

Talking about Disney's latest Marvel TV show, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with two of my favorite Marvel experts.

Spencer Ackerman award winning national security journalist and author of REIGN OF TERROR: How The 9/11 Era Destabilized America and Produced Trump, out August 10 from Viking. https://twitter.com/attackerman

Brandon Wilson is a filmmaker and lecturer. Brandon has directed two micro-budget features: 2005’s The Man Who Couldn’t… which is on YouTube and Sepulveda from 2016 which is streaming for free on Vimeo. Wilson has taught Film Analysis for Filmmakers, Introduction to Editing and classes on national cinemas, the essay film, and diversity in cinema at UCLA, Columbia College Hollywood and others. https://twitter.com/geniusbastard

And your host, Elana Levin is on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Elana_Brooklyn. 

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