"As a boundary defying human I found myself looking for ways to engage with the stories that made me feel alive. When I watched a superhero movie or read Octavia Butler I was talking about real things in a way that felt more fruitful" - S.E. Fleenor, writer/editor/podcaster.

S.E. Fleenor joins us to talk about the queer speculative fiction anthology they co-created for Pride Month, http://DecodedPride.com. Decoded is a story-a-day anthology of queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror by queer authors. A short story or comic is released to subscribers every day of Pride month.

S.E. co-hosts Bitches on Comics https://bitchesoncomics.com/, a pop culture and comics podcast, and is an editor of Decoded Pride and http://QueerSpec.com. They are also managing editor of Bella Media Channel. They write fiction (podcasts, novels, and short stories), personal essays, and articles centering on queer identities, feminism, pop culture, and literature. Their work appears in The Independent, Buzzfeed Reader, Vice, and http://them.us, among others. They consider themself to be professionally, queer, trans, and nonbinary.

S.E. and I delve into the current state of Queer Discorse around creating indepdent art, consuming corporate media, and telling trans stories.

My guest appearance on their podcast is one of my favorite guest appearances on someone else's show. You can listen here https://bitchesoncomics.com/episode-14-a-quintessential-jewish-experience-of-christmas/