Discussing the Game of Thrones S8 Premiere with uniquely qualified experts:

Steven Attewell is the founder of Race for the Iron Throne, which covers A Song of Ice and Fire chapter-by-chapter from a historical and political angle. In addition to two published collections of the chapter-by-chapter essays, Steven is also the author of "Kings, Hands, and City-States," an collection of essays focusing specifically on the political structures of GRRM's world. He is on twitter @StevenAttewell and Tumblr where people ask him a billion questions.

Reuben “Tihi” Hayslett is a queer activist, writer, and storyteller. As a fluent speaker of Dothraki, one of the languages created for HBO's Game of Thrones, Tihi recently worked on the upcoming Netflix series Daybreak as a Dothraki Language Consultant. Tihi's debut book, Dark Corners, is a short story collection of speculative fiction that centers the voices of queer people of color.
Doctrine of Targaryen ExceptionalismClimate ChangeThankful that GRRM didn’t go full Claremont in writing dialectsSo, how’s the Dothraki?People who speak Dothraki