Daniel Kibblesmith is an Emmy-Nominated writer for The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, and the writer of comics like Marvel's "Loki" (2019), "Black Panther Vs. Deadpool" (2018) and others. He's also the author of picture books like "Santa's Husband" (2017) and the upcoming, "Princess Dinosaur" (2020). He was one of the founding editors of ClickHole (2014) and his humor writing can be seen in places like The New Yorker and McSweeney's.

We talk about the differences between writing humor in comics, TV, movies, and Twitter.

The universal appeal of a High School AULoki as a 60 year redemption projectIs Loki immune to woobification?"Like you’re all playing MST3K together but with the entire world"That Low Key t-shirtA hierarchy of 4th wall breaking
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