Your Graphic Novice hosts are far too mature to address the connotations related to the number of this episode (because we're saving that for episode 69.1).  While we still consider ourselves a comic book podcast, it always seems to take a while before we get to comics and this week's episode is no exception. Nickel's cabin restoration continues, we are once again forced to address moon wars, and various podcast feuds that we have going on, and on a more serious note, Mrs. VF pays a visit to the hospital (she's ok).

Internet troubles (that you might not notice due to VF's magical editing) plague the podcast and almost shut us down for the night, but through sheer perseverance, and several additional alcoholic beverages, we forge ahead to comic news, where we discuss our thoughts on the new Fantastic Four movie, Jared Leto's Joker, and Batman vs. Robin.

"Rapid-Fire Review" is actually reasonably rapid for once, as we decide to limit the discussion from a few selected books from each of July 15, July 22 & July 29, 2015. Our "reviews" cover Hawkeye #22, Valiant's Book of Death #1, '68 Last Rights #1, Spider-Woman #9, Uncanny X-Men #35, Sabrina #4, Hacktivist Volume 2 #1, Captain Canuck 2015 #3, Lazarus #18, Southern Bastards #10, and Ninjak #5.

We wrap things up with a look ahead to the books being released on August 5, 2015.  Stay-tuned for our upcoming love-makin’ advice episode, featuring listener questions, sexually controversial moments in comic history, and some very special guests.  As always, thanks a bunch for listening.