The Graphic Novice Comic Book Podcast is back for the second time this week, because we figured you just couldn’t get enough of us…  then we realized that yes, yes you can get enough of us…  but we decided to release this episode anyway.  Before we get to comics, we talk about Hollaback Girls, friend of the show Gwen Stefani, fatherly dating advice and Doc Thirst, VF’s new mattress, pillows, Nickel’s crowdfunding initiative for a new grill, our new staff writer Desmond Hassing, Salty Language and our monumental Moon War victory.  


Then we discuss VF’s crush on Michael Leal.


Then we talk comic news.  We look at the Netflix Daredevil series, Lady Mechanika, The Avengers sequel, and avoid discussing the 2015 Eisners once again. 


In Rapid Fire Review we discuss Lady Mechanika The Tablets of Destinies #1, Curb Stomp #3, Convergence #3, Deadly Class #12, The Empty #3, Lazarus #16, Manifest Destiny #14, Postal #3, Velvet #10, All-New X-Men #40, Amazing Spider-Man #17.1, Amazing X-Men #19, Guardians of the Galaxy #26, Inhuman Special #1, Guardians of the Galaxy And the X-Men The Black Vortex Omega #1, Woverines #15, Ninjak #2 and Kaptara #1.  


As always, we look ahead to the following week of comic book releases (April 29, 2015) and let you know some of the books we're excited to check out.


Thanks for listening. Check out for all of our back catalogue and several articles and reviews.