To celebrate the 60th episode of Graphic Novice, Nickel and VF attempt to record a 60-minute episode, and it almost happened.  An abbreviated "Banter" segment touches on our new website staff reporter, VF's new mattress, a Doc Thirst update, and Nickel's issues with the craft beer scene.

The comic news segment takes a quick look ahead to Free Comic Book Day 2015 (Saturday May 2, 2015), including some shopping tips and free book suggestions.  We address the Eisners, but postpone our in depth examination of the nominees until our next non-sixty minute episode.

For "Rapid-Fire Review", finally accurately named, we look at books released April 15, 2015 including Sabrina #2, Crossed Plus 100 #4, Convergence #2, Convergence: Shadow of the Bat #1, Chrononauts #2, Fade Out #5, Kaptara #1, '68 Bad Sign One-Shot, Magneto #17, Ms. Marvel #14, Nova #29, Thor #7, Uncanny X-Men #33, Wolverines #14, The Avengers Rage of Ultron Graphic Novel, and Bloodshot Reborn #1.

The sixty-minute buzzer goes off, VF loses his mind, and we painfully work through "Next Week's Books" and the books that we want to check out after April 22, 2015.  As always, thanks for listening, and please check out our website for newly released articles.

Enjoy Free Comic Book Day!