We start out by providing some outtakes for the blooper reel, as VF proves that the fate of the podcast lies with the person who controls the soundboard. We talk the perils of alcoholism, blues jams at work, and another discussion of the World of Warcraft, where we get to celebrate a once in a lifetime gaming achievement in the life of Doc Thirst. Once the show gets back on track, we lay down some crack reporting in the "Comic News" segment, and touch on the new Star Wars comic, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Aquaman, and the Preacher TV series.


We then welcome Michael Leal, from the Who The What Now podcast, to help us discuss The Walking Dead, Trade Paperback Volume 12 (Issues #67-72).


"Rapid Fire Review" gets scrapped in favor of spending more time on a smaller number of books, as we take a slightly more in depth look at Crossed + One Hundred #1, Batman Eternal #35, Wolf Moon #1, Jennifer Blood Born Again #5 (of 5), and '68 Homefront #4 (of 4). 


We wrap things up with a discussion of the books being released December 10, 2014, and let everyone what we'll be reading, and what we'll be leaving on the shelf.  Thanks to everyone who takes the time to check out our show. We appreciate it, and apologize in advance. Stick with us…  we’ll get better…  eventually.