In this, our 38th episode, we start out with all the familiar off-topic banter, including some podcast network discussion and the potential for an indie comic review special.  One of our co-hosts spends the majority of the episode offline, and we discuss a serious lack of karaoke tracks for the Wolverine Memorial Bad Karaoke Jam. The majority of our comic news session revolves around re-numbering, the increasing price of comics, and various event related conspiracies. 

In our "Rapid Fire Review" segment for books released on October 15, 2014, we discuss Evil Empire #6, Lumberjanes #7, Wild's End #2, Batman Eternal #28, Teen Titans #3, Cutter #3, Deadly Class #8, Manifest Destiny #11, Trees #6, Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2, Death of Wolverine #4, Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1, Edge of the Spider-Verse #5, Fantastic Four #11, Magneto #11, New Avengers #25, and Uncanny X-Men #27. 

Following "Best Book of the Week" selections, Doc and Nickel try to come up with a method to make comics a full-time profession while maintaining a comfortable lifestyles, and disucss some of the gloom and doom being preached by certain comic retailers.  As always, we wrap things up with a look at what we'll be checking out in the upcoming week (October 22, 2014).  Download episode 38 today, and help us support the majestic Actic Narwhal.