At a recent tasting event, attended by yours truly (incognito), I chanced to overhear one of those ABC people .. Anything But Chardonnay.

I know that those of us who spend a large part of our waking hours thinking about, and sometimes even drinking, wine are often shocked to discover that some perceptions about certain wines that we thought had changed years ago still persist.

Like when rosé re-bloomed in California and was newly infused with elegant, delicate touches and we coaxed, teased and cajoled our non-eno friends into tasting something they swore would never pass their lips again; an oath usually taken during their college years.

I can't believe that old prejudices against this noble grape still walk among the tasting room rompers, just because, 15 years ago or so, Mrs. Butterworth's Chardonnay served in a freshly-hewn oak bowl, laid her heavy hand across the land.

Chardonnay, the Queen of the white wine grapes. The backbone of world's most cherished Champagnes and sparkling wines. Tasty companion to warm summer afternoons, East Indian food and shellfish.

Click here, if you dare, to hear me rant on about those who think they're being hip by being critical because they put fashion before palate!, the premier source for interviews with wine makers, chefs and event coordinators from California's third largest and fastest growing wine region.