This week, we have a nobility in the house - Rob "Stacklord" Lyle III, brewer at Barreled Souls! After examining exactly how one becomes a Stacklord, we get into Rob's path into the brewing industry, which far and away required more perseverance than any other we've heard yet. Then it's all about what makes the little brewery in Saco that could (accept his resume and take him in for an interview) so different. Barreled Souls does primary fermentation of literally all their beers - from goses to IPAs to barleywines to adjunct stouts - in 600 liter puncheons. To our knowledge, this is a truly unique feature of process among the thousands of breweries in the country. Frankly, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Barreled Souls simply marches to their own drum in virtually every facet, putting a ton of emphasis on styles like barleywines, old ales, scotch ales, and crazy stouts as the rest of the world has become increasingly hop-obsessed. The guys also get into the production methods for some of 'Souls most fun beers, like Superman punch (goes brewed with Kool Aid powder), their series of donut beers (which Noah has a particular sweet spot for), and of course, Stay Puft, a marshmallow stout that's brought the brewery a ton of notoriety. Like many of the sweetest people, Rob a tried and trued lover of heavy metal, so we get to wrap with an especially fun Three Bay with someone who actually knows the rules. If only it was episode 666...
Music: "Mountain Climb" by Jake Hill