The latter half of the journey to triple digits is off with a bang! We're talking remotely with Scott Janish, co-founder of Sapwood Cellars in Columbia, MD, with partner Michael Tonsmeire of The Mad Fermentationist. Noah had been an avid reader of Scott's own fantastic (if not originally named) brewing blog,, which has always differentiated itself by using beer research papers to inform brewing trials and experiments. He and Noah eventually met in person while Scott was doing research of his own, effectively developing the approach of his blog into a full book - The New IPA: Scientific Guide to Hop Aroma and Flavor. 
Naturally, we dive head first into Technical Town, and Noah and Matty get the lowdown on biotransformation, timing the addition of specific varietals, hot- vs. cold-side bitterness, and plenty more (which should be a perfect primer to place an Amazon order as soon as the episode is done). We also get into the origins of Scott's blog, what writing a goddamn book is like, and opening a brewery alongside another homebrewing figure, blogger, and author (American Sour Beer) in Mike. 
The conversation could have easily gone on for another couple hours, so this certainly won't be the last time you hear this man, despite the fact that he is far too smart to be speaking to Matt and Noah. As remote recordings can go, we had some audio issues from the distance, but be assured they'll be forgotten before you hear the word "linalool". Enjoy!

Music: "Mountain Climb" by Jake Hill