Previous Episode: #28: Mike Fava | Oxbow Brewing
Next Episode: #30: New Year, New Ro'

Matty and Noah find themselves on the docks of Boston this week. They're not there to sneak onto a Ben Affleck movie, but instead to talk to Anna Jobe, Innovations Brewer at Nightshift's newest location on Lovejoy Wharf. Anna's been with the brewery since nearly the beginning, which made for an easy, eclectic, and very interesting chat. Anna gives a brief arc of the brewery's culinary-inspired focus when she started and the transition into the present, where they make just about everything in the realm of beer. We talk about finding inspiration in the brewhouse, in and outside of the beer world, touch of lagers, and even venture into the verboten territory of seltzers in what was an incredibly fun conversation.
Music: "Mountain Climb" by Jake Hill and Deep Creek