Fully yoked on Vitamin D, Matty asks Noah about his Florida trip, which leads to an exchange of highway cookin’ yarns and the creation of some VERY LEGITIMATE review incentives…⁉️🥕❔
Also on the docket — Tripels, honey, and some @3Fonteinen memories; a rapid fire taking of the grain bag; and another clean and tidy episode saved before laptop snoozed. ⚡️
Hear what’s to be heard, available NOW!
Music: “Mountain Climb” by @JakeHillInternet
#HoneyBeer #MadeiraBeachFl #TPAtoATL #BottleConditioning#PrimingSugar #Tripel #Sunburn #BeeronMars #GrainBag#Mailbag #BeerPodcast #Homebrewing #GrainGang