There is so much hype and noise around Generative AI (ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, etc) at the moment. We need to cut through this to make sure we make the most of it for our teams and businesses. 

If you don't know what the Gartner's Hype Cycle looks like, check out the image at 

In this bonus episode of the podcast, we will then look at the role of a team and senior leader in any and every industry right now. They need to do three things:

1. Get the productivity and communication improvements you can.

2. Don’t make any dumb mistakes by misusing Gen AI for something it can’t really do (which means understanding that it isn't really AI after all).

3. Add AI and AGI (artificial GENERAL intelligence) to your strategy planning for the foreseeable future, and allocate some of your best people to lead experiments in how to apply them to your business.

And maybe the final thing you should do is speak to our team at Tomorrow Today Global to help you navigate these crazy times and make sense of it all. See especially a webinar I will be hosting: