As the nation turns a corner with vaccinations and corporate America slowly reopens, we as leaders are faced with a wave of decision making about how to remain safe as we return to the workplace and embrace what is to come. That is why our ability to master change and make sense as we re-engage in the face of uncertainty will be absolutely critical.

Today’s podcast is all about ‘Six Strategies for Mastering Change and Building More Resilience’, which is the #1 issue I’m asked to speak about and, of course, it’s top of mind as we experienced the past year. 

We’ll dive into:

The six steps for mastering disruptive change

Three core assets of the most resilient leaders and best determining your level of resilience 

How to combat the greatest enemy to growth -- complacency

I also share a story about how we identified top leaders within the talent development division at Walmart U.S. based on six core leadership competencies.

The tables are turning. Can you feel it? Are you ready for it?