I’m thrilled to share that Part 2 of my interview with Gisel Ruiz is now live. In this episode, Gisel shares insight on what fuels her drive to succeed and overcome very real and challenging obstacles.

We will also dive deeper into her Latina heritage and how that empowered her throughout her 26-year career as she took on roles including EVP and COO at Walmart US, EVP of People at Walmart International, and EVP and COO at Sam’s Club. 

She shares her thoughts on:
  > How the odds her family faced instilled in her the resilience needed to overcome her own challenges as a Fortune 1 leader, 

  > The role active listening played in navigating her executive career at Walmart,  > Surrounding yourself with great talent by hiring people who are better than you, 

  > And how to empower your team to know and live out their value and purpose.

This is truly a moving episode, and I hope you’ll gain insight from her wisdom. If you missed Part 1, I invite you to listen in.