Previous Episode: Look to Jesus

As goes the father, so goes the family, it has been said. Every man should be restrained. Not only is he able to restrain his habits, but his personal desires too. He is also to be dignified. That doesn't mean he is only dignified, it means he can be light-hearted and fun, but his family knows that he is serious at the core. he is also sensible. He uses words that line up with reality. he can do this by toning his mind to think realistically. This is not equal to education. You can be highly educated but not think realistically. Men need to think biblically. God loves to help and change a repentant sinner. Have you gone to him and asked him to help you change. Have you then worked toward becoming a godly person. Say no to desire. Be eager to imitate. Think realistically. You will be God's kind of man.