Previous Episode: Going to Hell 2
Next Episode: What is a Christian?

Why don't we fixate on miracles at Living Hope Church- Do we not believe God has the power to perform miracles today- No. We know the God of endless power. Rather, we refuse to fixate on physical healing and the like because we believe God's concern is far greater than temporary suffering. There is a worse kind of suffering than that which disease brings. And we have the message that God uses to snatch people from that dreadful suffering forever- Yes, Jesus did miracles. But His primary drive was to preach the gospel. The rich man doesn't want Lazarus to go back to make his brothers rich, or to heal them. He wants Lazarus to help them avoid eternal agony. And God's primary means, Abraham explains, to help people escape, is the Bible. The world protests that the Bible is not enough. They have an idea of what will save. The rich man insists, by implication, that he wouldn't have been in hell, had God just shown him a miracle while on earth. But God shows that people don't go to hell because of a lack of supernatural phenomena, but because of the sheer hardness of their hearts. Miracles are not as powerful as you think they are. And the word of God is infinitely more powerful than you think it is.