"Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" - Psalm 90:12

Even though Moses tells us to number days. We get comfortable, coast, and we assume our lives will be long, full, & lasting. But really, even a long life is short, maybe 70 years, more if we’re lucky. Many lives are much shorter than that. We don’t have an endless supply of days. Our lives are a vapor. Often, when we make plans, we don’t act like a vapor. Instead, we operate as though we are some kind of immovable concrete pillar. Do your most ambitious plans, personal, professional, or financial, consider the cost or impact on the Kingdom of God? Are most of your professional or financial decisions driven primarily by a spreadsheet?
Or do the values Jesus taught in the SOTM have an equal impact on your calculations as the numbers do? Do you constantly forge ahead with plans, big or small without wise counsel from those within your church family? When you pray, are your prayers primarily that God would pave the way smooth for your plans to be successful? Are you more focused on your comfortable retirement plan than how to be sure you can relentlessly serve God in your
community of believers until the very end? Today’s passage deals with this constant tension between our plans & God's plans, & the humility necessary to honestly pray “your will be done” and truly mean it.