What do you think of when someone mentions “Armageddon”? Is it an ominous, unsettling reaction at first listen? For most people, Armageddon has been assigned a flawed connotative meaning, much like they have with Apocalypse. In our very 1st message, we learned Apocalypse means revealing, not a metaphor for the end of the world. Similarly, most people use Armageddon as a metaphor for a cataclysmic ominous clash between 2 opposing rivals. In sports when 2 great teams are about to face off in a big game, people say, “Man that is going to be Armageddon”. The world uses the term geopolitically to describe a potential massive military conflict between powerful nations. A future global nuclear war, or massive military conflict that threatens global peace or economic prosperity. A war with an outcome in the balance, a conflict that could go either way. We hope when it happened good guys win. As we learned with the word Apocalypse, the world doesn’t understand what Armageddon really means. Armageddon is a symbolic Hebrew word, original to the book of Revelation. It’s a biblical, spiritual, theological concept. Armageddon isn’t merely a future earthly war between 2 sides, an ominous battle whose outcome is in doubt. It’s an act of God. It’s the day God uses His wrath to flush out all the forces of wickedness out of hiding into plain site. It’s something that could happen at any time, an event the redeemed should hope for, long for, anticipate.