So far, Revelation is full of symbolism around the suffering of God’s people in this period we’re in called the tribulation. Are you ever troubled or perplexed by the terrible things throughout human history, and even today? Do you get weary of a seemingly relentless struggle against evil? War, genocide, violence, famine, cultural decline? What about personally? Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, this struggle just keeps coming in waves? Do the realities of this existential battle with evil ever leave you discouraged, overwhelmed, depressed? Do you ever feel like you’re wandering in the wilderness, hoping for a sign, some sort of definitive direction? No doubt our struggle with evil is real. Its so bad sometimes Christians struggle with victimhood. That’s tribulation! Its especially difficult if we don’t understand why evil & the suffering it causes seems so loud, so strong, so ubiquitous. As followers of Jesus, it’s important to zoom out of the day to day, get our heads around the bigger picture. God knows we need that from time to time in this tribulation, so He gives us Aha passages, just like today’s. It kicks off a powerful 3-chapter section as a summary introduction to everything that’s about to be described.