Prayer is a fascinating human pastime. Prayer is a widely practiced spiritual discipline in America & across the world. According to Pew Research, 55% of Americans say they pray every day, 21% say they pray weekly or monthly, 20% of people who consider themselves unaffiliated with any religion say they pray daily. 65 and older are far more likely than adults under 30 to say they pray daily (65% vs. 41%). Prayer is easiest thing a follower of Jesus can do. It’s also the easiest thing to neglect, easy to abuse, or misunderstand. What things do you pray for most often? Healing, especially for friends & family are a big % of our prayers for sure. Are there types of prayers God loves more than others? Do you ever wonder if God likes or hears your prayers? Do you ever worry if you are praying the right way? Are there things we should be praying for that we don’t?