I hear many calls these crazy times! Covid, Trump, Biden, China, Inflation, Russia & Ukraine, Roe v Wade, etc. But are they really that crazy? Are they different from all the rest human history? I say its not even close. Many people suffer from what I call “Apocalyptic narcissism”, thinking we endure something unique in our day. Previous generations have endured “crazy times”, most of them far “crazier” than our times. For 6000’s years, human thirst for political, economic, cultural, military conquest caused suffering, pain, and death. Just the last 800 years in Europe, War of the Roses, 100 years war, Napoleonic wars, French/Indian war (1st real WW). From an American perspective, we had the civil war, WW1, WW2, the Cold War, Viet Nam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq. Human thirst for conquest has subjected humanity & all creation conflict, famine, disease, economic ruin, & death. How do we reconcile living by faith, as part of the Kingdom of Heaven, when the world we live in is like this? How can we place hope in the One who’s opened the scroll of redemption when humanity is permitted to be this way?