What does the phrase “End of times” mean to you? Does it invoke anxiety? Feelings of reticence? Is it something you associate w/headlines some associate with the possible coming of the “anti-christ? Does it cause a mindset of Christians needing to hunker down for an onslaught of darkness? If are at all up to speed on our study, you know Revelation is about the already, right now, and not yet. What if I told you the “End of Times” is glorious, joyful… and the “right now” part of Revelation? The book of Revelation primarily is Not about warnings, but comfort. This is how it should be approached. Revelation is not about preparation for some sort of tribulation end times scenario, we know evil is here already. It’s the fulfillment of the plan of God for redemption and the relentless expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven! It explains the troubling mystery of our conflict between good & evil nobody understood until it was written!