The Grace Warriors kick off this mid-October week with another parable of Jesus! Sara and Kathy are covering the parable of the greedy fool from Luke 12. This parable is filled with life lessons and Jesus provides truth in love, deep deep love for his people to know and love Him. As we always talk about, there is no life found outside of Jesus, this is also true when we talk about money and possessions, the enemy uses THINGS and abundance of wealth to make us think we are good without a relationship with God. That is why we RUN to the Word of God to hear what is actually true and the Word of God doesn’t condemn wealth but it reminds us time and time again it will not supply your every need and you will always need a BETTER provider and our one true provider is Jesus! He gives us all that we need, in His perfect timing. We can rest in the present time because our feet find sure footing in Him not dropping us! We have such a good good Father. Join us this week as we mediate on our own idols and where we are being invited to repent.