If you've ever struggled with believing God's word is true, you will definitely want to tune in to this weeks sermon. Before I became a Christian, I would pick and choose which parts of which religions I found comforting and easy and I'd kind of mashed them up into a religion of my own making. A little bit of Wicca, a little bit of Buddhism, a little tiny teensy bit of Christianity. After all, what good is religion if it's not comforting? Isn't that what its for?

But Jesus didn't pick and choose which parts of God's word He believed. He believed in the entirety of God's Word because His Word is good, true and perfect, from everlasting to everlasting. But how do we know that? Because God's Word existed before anything else ever did. God existed before time, before there was anything at all, and by His word He created all things. So when He says, "you must live a perfect life in order to get into Heaven" (and not just a better life than the creepy dude down the street, literally a perfect life) then He means it.

And He also means it when He says He provided a way for us to achieve an unachievable standard of perfection, and that way is our union with Jesus Christ. Ad when He says we are loved? He means it.

This week, Pastor Paul unpacks the high standards that Jesus tells us are the expectations of a true and Godly life and sheds some light on just how much the Lord loves us and wants us near to Him.