If you're like most people, it's easy to jump right to being defensive when someone has a problem with you. But in Jesus' sermon on the mount, He shows us how to take a good look at ourselves and to drop our defenses so that we can be at peace with others. Jesus says that even being annoyed at someone is murdering them in your heart. That even the mildest form of greed or selfishness is full on thievery. He hold us to such an incredibly high standard because that's exactly the way our hearts need to function in order to find peace with each other.

But Jesus' admonishments don't stop with a list of "do not do's". He follows them up with loving exhortations. He follows them up with an invitation to come to our Father in heaven with a vulnerable heart and the full assurance that we will be forgiven. He follows them up with His own sacrifice, knowing full well that the only way His people will be reconciled with His Father is through His own atonement. When we think about it like that, it spurs us towards righteousness (striving to do right) and makes us take a second before we react towards others accusations.

Listen in this week as Pastor Paul continues on our journey through The Sermon On The Mount.