Every one of us is a slave to something. We are actually created to be servants, but our tendency is to serve things that are not good for our souls. What does unhealthy servitude look like? It looks like a workaholic, or an unbalanced marriage or an anxious employee or a highly-stressed college student. Things like work and school, even our kids, are things that very easily enslave us into the trap of making them the centre of our lives. The things we spend the most time thinking about are the things that we are serving.

But Jesus calls us to serve Him, the one true Master of our lives. We are created to serve Him, to glorify Him, for our good and His glory. But most of us completely ignore that, and therefore the whole notion of servitude feels completely counter intuitive. Tune in this week to hear more about what it looks like to be stewards in our lives and what it looks like to serve Jesus with hearts fully focused on Him.