At first glance, this passage seems to be a little dramatic. Why is Jesus talking about tossing body parts into hell? Doesn't that seem like a little much, especially when He's referring to something like lust, which is something that almost everyone experiences? But Jesus is talking about the misuse of our God given sexuality. When we make a commodity of it, when we advertise it, when we consume it as in the form of pornography, it degrades our very souls. It objectifies and degrades us into becoming just a body. A body who has no other value but what others physically see in us or use us for. Jesus is so concerned with protecting our bodies that He warns us that against even thinking lustfully is a sin because Jesus loves us as God's precious, created and adored people. Listen in to this weeks sermon as Pastor Paul unpacks Matthew 5:27-30 and stay tuned for part two, next week.