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Paul’s first interview with Melissa Denyce who was born in Grand Rapids Michigan, into a family of strong Judeo-Christian faith, with an incessant and desperate thirst to know God. She deeply values the faith passed on to her by her parents which gave her a solid structure from which to understand spiritual things. Ultimately though, almost three decades within fundamentalism did not allow her to find the answers she was seeking.  At the age of 29 she had a spiritual awakening that upended her entire life, and pointed her to answers so simple and satisfying that she found it impossible to keep them to herself. Now Melissa has made it her life’s mission to share spiritual truth with others in a way that is easy to understand and, more importantly, to experience.

She currently lives in Montana with her husband and three children, where she spends her time homeschooling her children and sharing God’s love on her Youtube channel. Her main areas of focus are Universalism, Christian Mysticism and Non-Duality, and she loves teaching from the Bible, A Course in Miracles, and Near-Death-Experiences. Her joy is to help people know and experience that God is love and that God is within them.



Facebook: Melissa Denyce

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