Paul interviews Capree Green, who says: “I just enjoy connecting with people who are experiencing the same things as me and who like to “think” bigger and outside the box. I am happily married and currently a stay at home mom. I have 2 boys, Jedidiah who is 7yrs old and Solomon who is 4yrs old. My boys are the ones who introduced me to Gods unconditional love and grace. My Son, Jedidiah told me when he was 4 yrs old that Jesus built him a ladder. He goes up it and there is a door at the top where he opens and steps in heaven. Long story short, he’s told me about countless experiences in heaven and with God. One of my favorites is when he told me he remembered when he was a baby and God put him in his backpack and took him up his mountain. He also explains what God looks like and what Jesus looks like. I have all his experiences written in a journal. My little Solomon is now talking about a “sky house” where he sees the “light”. So I’m really excited for him as well! These boys actually led me out of religion where we left church and left everything we ever believed to start all over again like an infant. But this time, instead of following man and allowing man to be our interpreter/mediator, we are led directly from within no matter what it looks or sounds like. I’m also very blessed to have a husband on board and right by my side through all this change transformation. He and I See and Sense a lot alike so it’s made this journey so much easier. We are usually on point when sensing, seeing, and discerning. That has helped me so much in this journey and has been so encouraging for me!”  

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