Hey Black Beauties, I know I’ve been MIA with the episodes for the pass few weeks, but #TEAMBLACKBEAUTYLINKUP is still here! I wanted to sit and chat with you guys (well, a little more of a rant) on where I’ve been and the life change I’m getting ready to make. I do want to apologize…

The post Brief Intermission | Where I’ve Been, Making Myself a Priority + Handling the Next Level In Life appeared first on The Ebony Diaries | Sharing the Stories of Black Women.

Hey Black Beauties, I know I’ve been MIA with the episodes for the pass few weeks, but #TEAMBLACKBEAUTYLINKUP is still here! I wanted to sit and chat with you guys (well, a little more of a rant) on where I’ve been and the life change I’m getting ready to make. I do want to apologize for the missing episodes #NOexcuses. Our Educational & Awareness segment is still going on, and the next episode will be out next week! So, stay tuned!


ALSO, we have great news on how you can DONATE to the podcast! Your donation will help supply equipment needed to provide a better quality experience through the air waves just for YOU!

Make your donation today by becoming a Patron, at www.Patreon.com/TheEbonyDiaries

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Join The Ebony Diaries movement + purchase your magical black girl gear! -> bit.ly/shoptheebonydiaries

The post Brief Intermission | Where I’ve Been, Making Myself a Priority + Handling the Next Level In Life appeared first on The Ebony Diaries | Sharing the Stories of Black Women.