PLEASE KNOW: This is the last podcast until August 2023. Grace In Real Life is taking a break in July 2023.

What does it mean for God to tend to your heart? How does God comfort you in real life? How does God heal our hurting hearts?

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the phrase, “Allow the Lord to tend to your heart.” A friend of mine said it, and I was like, What is she talking about? What does that even mean?

I’ve pondered that phrase for six years now: What does it mean for the Lord to tend to a heart? What in our hearts needs tending? How does He do it? 

For me, it means receiving the compassion and kindness the Lord offers as I struggle with the sting of sin, the wounds from others, and the trials of being a human on planet Earth.

Today’s guest sheds so much biblical truth and light on this grace-giving concept.

In today’s episode, you’ll receive practical strategies and anchoring truths for receiving grace by finding comfort in the Lord. We walk through: What it means for God to tend to your heart, How God comforts us in real life, And what stunts spiritual growth. Mentioned in the podcast #167: Grace is: Receiving grace by bringing it all into the light #168: Grace is: Receiving grace through forgiveness and healing with Jennifer Barnett Resources to find a Christian counselor Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email  Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton Open Hands, Willing Heart by Vivian Mabuni Warrior in Pink by Vivian Mabuni Voices of Lament compilation Here’s how to connect with Vivian Mabuni Website  Instagram  Facebook Podcast 


Here’s how to connect with Jill Website  Instagram  Subscribe to Jill’s weekly “the good + the grace” email