Ok. So let’s be honest. How many times have you said to someone this week “I’m so busy! I wish I had more hours in the day. ”Right? I know I did at least 3 times. We turn busyness into a badge of honor and many times almost feel weird if we don’t have too many things going on during the day. We live in an age where busyness is worshiped and slowing down is getting harder and harder to do. Maybe like me, you are tired of the constant hustle? I’ve got some good news for you. There is a simple solution and I’m going to share it with you today. So, stick around.I want to tell you about a great resource we have available for you. A resource that goes along very well with today’s topic. All month we are talking about productivity. And when I say productivity, I don’t mean the idea that we should cram as much as humanly possible into our schedule so we can get more done but I’m talking more about the idea of learning the art of choosing the meaningful over the urgent. Knowing what the meaningful is for us in this particular season of our lives and how to set up our days according to those priorities and values.All that to say, if you want to have a guide that will help walk you through this very process of eliminating the things that don’t really matter than I want you to head to: daringinfluence.com/nohustle The guide is called “Minimalistic Productivity System”It is super practical and simple. I help break things down in such tangible ways that at the end you’ll walk away with a very specific daily schedule that will help you thrive instead of just survive.So, hop on over to daringinfuence.com/nohustle and get this highly practical guide for yourself now. Oh, and did I mention it’s free? Yep. So, you’ve got nothing to lose my friend.