You are listening to the Grace-Filled Leader podcast episode 22. Every week on this show we talk about things like courage, leadership, living into who we are created to be and maximizing our God-given potential.
On the last week of every month I usually switch things up a bit. On the 4th week of the month I’m sharing a life or leadership lessons from the Bible along with a song and I’m calling it the Soulful Thursday Special Edition. Hope you’ll stick around and join me on this special episode. I cannot wait to share a life lesson I learned not long ago about insecurity.

What I love about the bible is that no matter what you are dealing with in life you will be able to find an answer to your problem in the Bible. I know that many times reading the Bible can feel so overwhelming. Which is true. There is a LOT in there. And there are definitely some things that totally makes no sense to me. But the bible is a also a very practical guide when it comes to how we should live our lives. All the personal growth, mindset or leadership principles I apply to my own life or teach to other grace-filled leaders come directly from the Bible. And I love that we can learn so many practical things that we can also apply to our everyday lives. So that is the reason why I wanted to have an episode a month dedicated just for life and mindset and leadership lessons learned from the bible.

Today’s lesson is titled “Replace insecurity with resting in security”

Psalm 32:7 says: “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”

When you are done listening don’t forget to check out the “No More Hustle” true productivity guide.

It’s a FREE pdf that will help you overcome the feelings and chaos in your daily life and schedule. Streamline your work so you can spend your time on things that matter most. Download your copy here:

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