Do you think you are positive? Do you think joy is a feeling?
I want you to try this on for size... Happiness is a choice.
And Today I want to invite you to a challenge.
One that has the potential to change how you feel throughout the day. The potential to completely change your thinking and therefore change your life. You think I’m making too big of a promise here? I stand by it. I’ve seen it work in way too many lives, including my own to know better.
Sounds enticing, doesn't it? Well, then let’s get to it.

I’m pumped because this whole month we are focusing on Mindset. This topic is dear and near to not only my heart but to a lot of the women in the Grace filled leader tribe. I believe that mindset is the foundation to pretty much everything in our lives. A toxic mindset can destroy us. And I’m not even kidding. It can trip us up even before we begin. I’ve seen this first hand in my own life and in the lives of those I’ve had the privilege to work with and coach. On the other hand, a healthy and strong mindset can take you to wonderful places. And the most powerful thing about this is that it truly is as simple as a choice. Now, I didn’t say it’s easy. But it is simple.

When you are done listening don’t forget to check out the “Think Bigger" guide.

It’s a FREE pdf that will help you start thinking bigger in only 3 simple steps with identifying where you are stuck and how you can move past your roadblocks.

Also, if you’re enjoying the podcast, please give a rating and leave a review! This helps us get heard by more people who want strategies for building a purposeful and profitable business doing what they love while keeping their faith front and center.