A call for courage to all leading ladies...

Ever been told to pipe down when you're just singing your heart out? 🎶

Let me take you back to a car trip I was on years ago. I was happily singing along to our road trip playlist when someone yelled at me to stop. 😳

That moment, and some other ones, stuck with me for a LOOONG time.

Made me second-guess my voice and dim my vibrant self. All because I was afraid of being criticized again. Sound familiar?

Now, I know you high achievers are no strangers to setbacks. That's why this week's podcast episode, "The Courage to be Heard," is ALL about the fears that might be muzzling your inner queen👸.

❌Fear of Rejection
❌Fear of Failure
❌Fear of Judgment
❌Fear of Being Seen as Too Aggressive

We're not just calling out these fears, we're showing them who's boss.

➡️ Ready to put fear in it's place and crank up the volume on your voice? Ready to become a Queen of Confident Communication? Start by downloading the free "Well Spoken Woman Manifesto" HERE: www.speakingmadesimple.co/manifesto

Let's connect on IG at www.instagram.com/csillamuscan
or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/csillamuscan/