Hello Family!

Today, Jennifer goes into one of her favorite resources.... Mentioned in podcast 38.  The tool goes over how we can tell if we are hearing from God or our enemy.
38 | How to Tell if It's God or the Enemy

We'll take some Biblical Promises and create some Affirmations around how to send the feeling of being hurried or pushed. 

There is no official closing prayer in today's Podcast, as Jennifer believed the 3 scriptures we used for Biblical Affirmations were fabulous prayers. Plus, she introduced a fun contest to help grow our listenership across the 50 states of America! Only 20 left to go! Will you help us spread the word?

This week's state is Alabama! Who do you know in Alabama who needs our podcast family as support in her Christian Coaching or Course Creation business?

Join In the Fun! Check Out Our Free Community: https://bit.ly/atccommunity

Calm the Chaos of Online Business Growth Workshop: https://bit.ly/ChaostoConfirmation

To reach Jennifer: [email protected]
Visit us https://www.jenniferemanuel.com
What Are Your Current Loves and Frustrations With Your Business?