Joshua Broome joins Amber to discuss how his dream to be an actor led to becoming a porn star and how that career left him filled with shame and emptiness.  He walked away and encountered the grace and love of Jesus Christ, where His true identity lies.

Questions Joshua and Amber Discuss:
(3:40) Take us back and share a bit about your childhood, teen years, and your aspirations of becoming a famous model/actor.

(8:22) What led you to move to Hollywood?

(11:36) What led to you signing a contract to work as an actor in porn films?

(21:40) You worked in the industry for a little over 5 years and were one of the top 5 male porn stars.  Will you share a bit of your emotional journey during those 5 years?

(29:45) You were questioning why you felt so empty when a bank teller asked you, “Joshua, is there anything I can do for you? … Joshua, can I help you?” Share what those questions led you to do.

(43:35) For two years, you worked to rebuild your life before eventually meeting a girl who asked you another 2 questions: “Do you know who God is?” and “Do you have a relationship with him?” What happened next?

(50:17) What were those first few years like learning to walk with Jesus?

(1:00:35) If you stood in a room with young women and men who were longing to “make it” as a model/actor, what advice would you share with them?

Quotes to Remember:

“That’s just who I am. Whatever I do, I want to be the best at it. Whatever I’m doing, for good or bad, I’m going to give it everything I got.”

The Beginning of Working as A Porn Actor

“In walked four girls…I went over [to] them and within five minutes they said, ‘Hey, have you ever considered acting?’ I said, ‘Well, actually, I am an actor.’… But I didn’t see the curveball saying, ‘Oh, we’re talking about porn’.”

Emotional Toll of Working in the Porn Industry

“The deeper I got in, the more fame I got, the more detached from reality I became, because I hated what I did….but it was so close to what I wanted to be doing.”

Called by Name

“It’s like I created this plausible reality that I was living in and when she [bank teller] said Joshua, it shattered….I had felt guilty and ashamed, but I never felt convicted. I went home. I remember looking at myself in the mirror, and I had no idea who the person was looking back at me.”

Meeting Jesus

“[Hope asked], Do you know God?….Do you have a relationship with Him?’…She started by asking me all these questions, but not in the most gentle, sincere way…Then we walk for three hours.”

“I walked in those doors, and I walked out a very different person. I heard the gospel.”

“He looks up at the soldier, and he believes that he deserved death. But instead, he offers him his hand and a place at the table. Not for a day, now for a week, but forever, and not the worst place the table, the best place the table. [Summary of the story of Mephibosheth]”

Walking With Jesus

“Salvation is instantaneous and sanctification is a process. We had to walk through a lot of really difficult stuff, because the mental and emotional trauma I had was real. Absolutely, Jesus changed my life. Second Corinthians 5:17 is real, that old person was dead and gone. I’m this new creation. But now that I’m no longer wounded, I still had a few scars and I wanted to deal with those.”

“He wants to set boundaries in our lives to protect us…and obedience flows from us trusting God. If you can switch your mindset from I need to do what He says, so I don’t get in trouble to I want to do what He says, because I believe that He loves me enough that I truly believe that His way is best.”

“Your identity is not what you do, or what you’ve done, your identity is in the person of Jesus.”


Related Episodes:
54: Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography

50: Rebecca Bender | Freedom From Human Trafficking 

102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality


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