“That should be time (delay) no longer.” Revelation 10:6
What is time? This question is not easily answered. We know what increments or slices of time are like seconds, minutes, hours, and millennia. But “time” is hard to define. World Book Encyclopedia says, “Time is one of the most difficult elements of human existence to define. Basically, time is what occurs between “now” and “then.”
Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse gives a more expansive definition which will challenge us to deeper thinking. Dr. Barnhouse says, “Time is a brief interlude between two eternities.” In other words there is “Eternity past” before the Creation and Fall of Man. Then, there is “eternity future” after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ or after each person’s death when that person enters eternity. Today, we live in “time”. At death or the Second Coming of Christ, we will be in eternity in Heaven or in Hell. Time is vital because the way you live today in “time” will affect your eternity.

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