On Friday, December 10, 2021, a devastating series of tornadoes ripped through the Central U.S. That night, Tim Allred was in Illinois for work, and his wife, Angie, was in their new home in Benton, Kentucky. Alone. 

Taking shelter under a staircase in their home, Angie cried out to God to protect and save her as a tornado wreaked havoc all around her.

Tim said, “God protected her that night. There’s no question. No other explanation. God, by His grace, protected her.” 

Listen to their story on the first episode of our new series, “God’s Presence in Disaster.”

See pictures of Tim and Angie’s home before and after the tornado. 

Learn more about the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team. 

If you’re anxious or fearful and would like to pray with someone, call the Billy Graham Prayer Line at 1-888-388-2683.

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