"Villains into Heroes and Heroes into Villains"

Hosts: Darren Weeks, Vicky Davis

Show website: https://governamerica.com

Vicky's websites: https://thetechnocratictyranny.com and http://www.channelingreality.com

COMPLETE SHOW NOTES AND CREDITS AT: https://governamerica.com/radio/radio-archives/22442-govern-america-november-20-2021-villains-into-heroes-and-heroes-into-villains

Listen LIVE every Saturday at 11AM Eastern time at http://radio.governamerica.com

ON THIS SHOW: Fauci continues to push boosters as the next step toward redefining what it means to be "fully vaccinated". Systemic corruption and regulatory capture is worse than we first thought! Biden's nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, tries to fend off questions about her alleged communist sympathies, while calling for all banking to be banished in favor of state control, and private oil companies to be bankrupted. In the final hour, we welcome Martin Baker of Project 21 Black Leadership Network and Michael Letts of In-Vest USA to provide analysis on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict after the jury returned non-guilty verdicts on all counts and violent riots have again swept the U.S. We discuss various angles of the trial and the state of the justice system and explore possible solutions. Phone calls throughout the show.