"Decolonize our Minds"

Hosts: Vicky Davis, Darren Weeks

COMPLETE SHOW NOTES AND CREDITS AT: https://governamerica.com/radio/radio-archives/22025-govern-america-may-6-2017-decolonize-our-minds

Vicky's Websites: http://thetechnocratictyranny.com http://channelingreality.com http://tvoinews.net

French election wraps up on Sunday. Is Putin hiding under their beds too? Why are the documents needed for the alleged Boston bomber defense appeal classified? Is attorney Marcus Mumford, who defended the Malheur seven, being harassed? We do a deep dive on the civil rights lawsuit that was filed against the federal government by twenty-one children over global warming. Who is really behind it and why? The People's Climate March in Washington may be more than it seems. Days after the Gotham Shield exercise, New York on lockdown due to bomb threats. Also, budget give-aways and the “art of the steal”, “repeal and replace” shell game, shocking revelations about Congressional committees and political parties, and phone calls.