"Meet Back Here at Four"

Hosts: Darren Weeks, Vicky Davis

Show website: https://governamerica.com

Vicky's websites: https://thetechnocratictyranny.com and http://channelingreality.com

COMPLETE SHOW NOTES AND CREDITS AT: https://governamerica.com/radio/radio-archives/22451-govern-america-january-15-2022-meet-back-here-at-four

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Supreme Court opines on Biden administration's experimental gene therapy mandates. FBI indictment of several people on seditious conspiracy charges comes at very odd timing. Key questions in 6 January event remain unanswered. Recent Senate Judiciary Hearing on Homeland Security and January 6th all but confirms FBI involvement of incitement. Efforts to push domestic terror legislation and open offices within key agencies, devoted to targeting American patriots bring the federal police state to a chilling and dangerous new zenith.