Last month, President Trump issued an executive order calling for agencies to analyze their structures and programs in preparation for a major reorganization. The Trump administration’s focus on reorganization raises the question of when is reorganization useful and what pitfalls need be avoided. To get insights, we’re joined by Bob Behn. Although it is too […]

The post The opportunities and pitfalls of government reorganization: An interview with Bob Behn, Professor, Harvard Kennedy School – Episode #149 appeared first on Gov Innovator Podcast.

Last month, President Trump issued an executive order calling for agencies to analyze their structures and programs in preparation for a major reorganization. The Trump administration’s focus on reorganization raises the question of when is reorganization useful and what pitfalls need be avoided.

To get insights, we’re joined by Bob Behn. Although it is too early to comment on the Trump administration’s reorganization in particular, since it is still being formulated, he draws on lessons from other reorg efforts to provide advice to public leaders.

Bob Behn is one of the nation’s leading experts on leadership and performance management in government. He is a lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School and the faculty chair of its executive program called Driving Government Performance. He also publishes a free monthly newsletter called Bob Behn’s Public Leadership Report.

The post The opportunities and pitfalls of government reorganization: An interview with Bob Behn, Professor, Harvard Kennedy School – Episode #149 appeared first on Gov Innovator Podcast.